
檔案產生時間:2022/3/4 下午 08:11:30
一、課程基本資料 Course Information
科目名稱 Course Title:
開課學期 Semester:110學年度第2學期
開課班級 Class:涉外碩二
授課教師 Instructor:林 迪 LING, STEVEN D.
科目代碼 Course Code:WLWA9401 單全學期 Semester/Year:單 分組組別 Section:
人數限制 Class Size:20 必選修別 Required/Elective:選 學分數 Credit(s):2
星期節次 Day/Session: 二AB  前次異動時間 Time Last Edited:111年01月14日19時44分
法律學系碩士在職專班涉外商務談判法律組基本能力指標 Basic Ability Index
Basic Ability Index
Correspondent Index
Methods Of Evaluating This Ability
Equipped with the Advanced Legal Expertise.
Equipped with the Advanced Knowledge and Ability of Resolving Legal Issues with Efficiency.
Equipped with the Ability of Participating in the Cross-Strait and International Affairs.
Equipped with Democratic Literacy, Professional Ethic, and the Capability of Humanistic Care.
Equipped with the Ability of Participating in the Planning of Government Policy.
Equipped with the Application Capability of Foreign Legal Literacy .
Equipped with the Ability of Integrating Interdisciplinary Legal Knowledge.
Equipped with the Ability and Knowledge of Comparative Legal Study.
Equipped with the Ability of Independent Analysis and Judgment.
Equipped with the Ability of Legal Theoretical Discourse.
Equipped with the Management Ability of Legal Affairs in the Professional Workplace.
二、指定教科書及參考資料 Textbooks and Reference
●指定教科書 Required Texts
無指定教科書。相關資料依授課實際需求另行於課堂上提供,並上傳至東吳大學 TronClass 數位平台。

●參考書資料暨網路資源 Reference Books and Online Resources

1. Notes on Contract Drafting: Getting Sensible Terms to Signature Sooner (Copyright © D.C. Toedt III, Attorney & Adjunct Professor; shared under Creative Commons By SA License). Version 2021-A.
NOT A SUBSTITUTE for Legal Advice – offered AS IS, WITH ALL FAULTS.

2. Supplemental materials with Annotated Real-World Contractual Agreements:
- Purchase and Sale Agreement (2012 MacBook Air Computer)
- Commercial Lease (Stanford University and Tesla Motors)
- Employment Agreement (Facebook and Sheryl Sandberg)
三、教學目標 Objectives

Course Objectives: Assisting these graduate students to understand more about the review, revision and drafting of English contractual agreements.
四、課程內容 Course Description
整體敘述 Overall Description
整體描述 Overall Description:
擬涵蓋下列主題 The following topics are intended to be covered in this course:
02. What can "a Contractual Agreement" look like?
03. Setting up the Contractual Framework:
04. Defined Terms:
05. Exhibits, Schedules, etc.:
08. Ambiguity and its Dangers:
09. General Writing Rules:
11. Drafting tips:
12. Litigation Planning:
1A. Drafting a workable Contractual Agreement:
16. Getting to Signature quickly:
Different Types of Damages:
17. Limitations of Liability:
18. Exclusive Remedies:
21. Selected Special Topics:
22. The Tango Terms:


1. 每位同學無需跟其他同學比較 【因為每人接觸英文機會均不相同】。
2. 歡迎每位同學嘗試跨越心理障礙以建立不怕犯錯(提問、回答)的健康心態。
3. 同學們不需達到以英文為母語的發音標準,僅需能清楚表達、溝通即可。
4. 如各位所知,學習任何語言的唯一捷徑: 操練...、操練...、再操練!
●分週敘述 Weekly Schedule
週次 Wk 日期 Date 課程內容 Content 備註 Note


2/22 2. What can "a Contractual Agreement" look like?
o 2.1. Basic requirements for a contract
o 2.2. A short letter agreement might well be enough
o 2.3. Even emails can form binding contracts
o 2.4. Contracts by IM or text message?
o 2.5. Will all written agreements be legally binding?
o 2.6. Reminder: Many oral contracts can be binding
o 2.7. But: The Statute of Frauds might say otherwise
o 2.8. Agreement to agree? Or "open terms"?
o 2.9. Battle of the Forms
o 2.10. Exercises & discussion questions


3/1 3. Setting up the contract framework:
o 3.1. Finding existing contract forms
o 3.2. Mindless copy-and-paste can be dangerous
o 3.3. A clean sheet of paper has its own hazards
o 3.4. Title: How will a title look in a list?
o 3.5. Preamble: Front-load some useful information
o 3.6. Background of the Agreement: No "Whereas"!
o 3.7. Signature blocks
o 3.8. Signature mechanics
o 3.9. Electronic signatures
o 3.10. Backdating a contract - danger!
o 3.11. Signature authority
o 3.12. Notary certificates (skim)
o 3.13. Exercises and discussion questions


3/8 4. Defined Terms:
o 4.1. The benefits of "in-line" definitions
o 4.2. Have a separate section for general definitions?
o 4.3. Pro tip: Include cross-references
o 4.4. Some defined-terms style preferences
o 4.6. Caution: Consistency in capitalization can be crucial

5. Exhibits, Schedules, etc.:
o 5.1. Exhibits: Standalone documents (generally)
o 5.2. Schedules: For disclosures of exceptions from a benchmark
o 5.3. Appendixes, addenda, annexes

18. Exclusive Remedies:
o 18.1. Defect correction can be an "exclusive remedy" …
o 18.2. But failure of "exclusive" remedies might blow the doors open


3/15 8. Ambiguity and its Dangers:
o 8.1. What is "Ambiguity" — and why is it bad for causing disputes?
o 8.2. Example: A date-related Ambiguity
o 8.3. How do courts "construe" Ambiguous terms?
o 8.4. Courts apply specific Rules of Interpretation
o 8.5. The W.I.D.D. Rule: (即 When In Doubt, Define!)
o 8.6. The A.T.A.R.I. Rule (即 Avoid The Argument; Rewrite It!)
o 8.7. Vagueness is a type of ambiguity – what to do about it?
o 8.8. Special case: D.R.Y. - (即 Don't Repeat Yourself!)
o 8.9. Exercises & discussion questions


3/22 9. General Writing Rules:
o 9.1. Style guide for Numbers
o 9.2. Parallelism in lists: Be consistent
o 9.3. Avoid gobbledygook
o 9.4. Active Voice is better — usually
o 9.5. Streamline your sentences
o 9.6. Word order might matter in the meaning of your contract
o 9.7. "May" and "Might" are different
o 9.8. Exercises and discussion questions


3/29 11. Drafting Tips:
o 11.1. False imperatives: Who is responsible?
o 11.2. Roadblock clauses
o 11.3. Sunset provisions
o 11.4. Conspicuousness: Go easy on the All-Caps
o 11.5. Safe-harbor clauses
o 11.6. Boomerang clauses could hurt you later
o 11.7. Jerks: Drafting for them
o 11.8. Terms to avoid


4/5 12. Litigation Planning:
o 12.1. Draft the Preamble to help out trial counsel
o 12.2. Use bright-line standards for significant triggers
o 12.3. Acknowledgements: Like an admission in court
o 12.4. Consider contract clauses to promote settlement
o 12.5. Litigation preparation: Include "Demonstrative Exhibits"?
o 12.6. Remember the Burden of Proof in contract enforcement
o 12.7. Watch out for "optics"
o 12.8. Exercise: Acknowledgement


4/12 16. Getting to Signature quickly:
o 16.1. Balanced terms get signed sooner
o 16.2. How to kill a deal: Insist on using your contract form
o 16.3. Combat Barbie: Consider using "distractor" terms
o 16.4. Which to use: Shall? Will? Must?
o 16.5. Incorporation by reference
o 16.6. Exercises and discussion questions

The Different Types of Damages:
o Compensatory damages
o Incidental damages
o Consequential damages
o Nominal damages
o Liquidated damages
o Punitive damages
o Reliance damages
o Statutory damages
o Treble damages

17. Limitations of liability
o 17.1. Try risk by risk limitations of liability
o 17.2. Negotiate variable limitations of liability?
o 17.3. Discussion questions: Limitations of liability


4/19 1A. Drafting a workable Contractual Agreement:
o 1A.1. Do what Stephen Colbert did
o 1A.2. Contract clauses to preserve relationship to prevent lawsuits
o 1A.3. Deferring decisions: Sensible practice, or lighting the fuse of a bomb?
o 1A.4. Don’t get blown up by your own bomb
o 1A.5. Don’t “assume a can-opener” (or, Hope is not a Plan)
o 1A.6. Business planning for Contract Drafters: Checklist to ask about the Business

1B. Getting to Signature sooner:
o 1B.1. Which side’s contract documents should be used?
o 1B.2. Specific drafting tips to speed up the other side’s legal review
o 1B.3. To keep your “steak” intact, offer the guard dog some “hamburger”
o 1B.4. Give the other side’s reviewer something to reject (that’s close to OK with you)
o 1B.5. Put “variable” terms in a Schedule (upfront) for faster review and editing
o 1B.6. Red-line and explain all of your proposed changes
o 1B.7. When you can’t just say “No” to a contract: Creative compromises
o 1B.8. Negotiable limitations of liability: Risk-by-Risk, not One-Size-Fits-All
o 1B.9. Negotiate limitations of liability that vary with Time or Circumstances


4/26 21. Selected special topics:
o 21.1. Acceleration of due date
o 21.2. Background section in Settlement Agreements
o 21.5. Inspections: Why they're worthwhile
o 21.6. Interest charges
o 21.7. Liquidated damages
o 21.8. Master agreements
o 21.9. Non-Disclosure Agreements for VCs & other potential investors
o 21.11. Price fixing (Resale Price Maintenance)
o 21.12. Privacy
o 21.19. Writing around the Law might not work


5/3 22. The Tango Terms:
o 22.1. Acknowledgement Effect
o 22.7. Arbitration
o 22.9. As-Is Disclaimer Definition
o 22.17. Audits
o 22.20. Best Efforts Definition
o 22.28. Certify Definition
o 22.30. Clear and Convincing Evidence Definition
o 22.32. Commercially Reasonable Efforts Definition
o 22.35. Consequential Damages Exclusion
o 22.37. Contra Proferentem Disclaimer



5/10 22. The Tango Terms:
o 22.39. Damages Cap General Terms
o 22.43. Deadline Definition
o 22.44. Deceptive Practices Prohibition
o 22.46. Defense of Third-Party Claims
o 22.49. Discretion Definition
o 22.51. Disparagement Prohibition
o 22.53. Effective Date Definition
o 22.56. Equitable Relief
o 22.58. Evergreen Extensions
o 22.60. Exclusivity


5/17 22. The Tango Terms:
o 22.63. Forum Selection
o 22.69. Good Faith Definition
o 22.70. Governing Law
o 22.73. Gross Negligence Definition
o 22.74. Guaranties
o 22.75. Hold Harmless Definition
o 22.76. If Definition
o 22.77. Including Definition
o 22.81. Information Purges
o 22.82. Infringement Remedies
o 22.83. Infringement Warranty


5/24 22. The Tango Terms:
o 22.84. Inspections Protocol
o 22.85. Intellectual property definitions
o 22.87. Intellectual Property Rights Challenges
o 22.90. Knowledge Definition
o 22.99. Limitation of Liability Effect
o 22.102. Material & Material Breach Definition
o 22.103. May and May Not Definition
o 22.110. Non-competition
o 22.111. Non-solicitation
o 22.123. Pricing adjustment options


5/31 22. The Tango Terms:
o 22.124. Privacy Law Definition
o 22.125. Prompt (adjective) Definition
o 22.127. Reasonable Efforts Definition
o 22.128. Reckless Definition
o 22.133. Reliance Waiver
o 22.134. Representation Definition
o 22.138. Responsible Definition
o 22.141. Settlement-Discussion Confidentiality
o 22.142. Shall Definition
o 22.144. Site Visits
o 22.150. Survival of terms


6/7 22. The Tango Terms:
o 22.152. Termination
o 22.155. Time of Day Definition
o 22.156. Timely Definition
o 22.157. Trademark Use
o 22.160. Usury Savings
o 22.162. Waivers
o 22.163. Warranty Definition
o 22.164. Warranty Disclaimer General Terms
o 22.165. Will Definition
o 22.166. Willful Definition


6/14 審閲實際 Commercial Lease 商業租賃契約 between Stanford University(史丹佛大學)and Tesla Motors (特斯拉汽車)。   


6/21 審閲實際 Employment Agreement 聘雇契約 between Facebook(臉書) and Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg(臉書的首席營運官)。   
五、考評及成績核算方式 Grading
配分項目 Items 次數 Times 配分比率 Percentage 配分標準說明 Grading Description
Every student is expected to enthusiastically take part in the in-class discussion.
配分比率加總 100%  
六、授課教師課業輔導時間和聯絡方式 Office Hours And Contact Info
●課業輔導時間 Office Hour
週二: 20:20-21:00 PM. 敬請事先以 Email 預約.
●聯絡方式 Contact Info
研究室地點 Office: EMAIL:US.IPR.Litigations@gmail.com
聯絡電話 Tel:02 2727 1368 其他 Others:
七、教學助理聯絡方式 TA’s Contact Info
教學助理姓名 Name 連絡電話 Tel EMAIL 其他 Others
八、建議先修課程 Suggested Prerequisite Course
九、課程其他要求 Other Requirements
十、學校教材上網、數位學習平台及教師個人網址 University’s Web Portal And Teacher's Website
學校教材上網網址 University’s Teaching Material Portal:
學校數位學習平台 University’s Digital Learning Platform:
教師個人網址 Teacher's Website:
其他 Others:
十一、計畫表公布後異動說明 Changes Made After Posting Syllabus