
檔案產生時間:2022/3/4 下午 07:54:55
一、課程基本資料 Course Information
科目名稱 Course Title:
開課學期 Semester:110學年度第2學期
開課班級 Class:政碩一
授課教師 Instructor:徐永明 HSU, YUNG-MING
科目代碼 Course Code:MPO63501 單全學期 Semester/Year:單 分組組別 Section:
人數限制 Class Size:20 必選修別 Required/Elective:選 學分數 Credit(s):3
星期節次 Day/Session: 一34E  前次異動時間 Time Last Edited:111年02月21日13時11分
政治學系(碩士班)基本能力指標 Basic Ability Index
Basic Ability Index
Correspondent Index
Methods Of Evaluating This Ability
Having skills in doing political science research.
Strengthening basic research methodology
Strengthening political thoughts and political interaction
Strengthening understandings toward national regimes and political institutions.
Knowing global trends and international affairs participation.
Having skills in democratic participation and public affairs criticism
Strengthening interdisciplinary diagnostic capabilities and problem-solving skills.
Strengthening analytical, decision-making skills and leadership
二、指定教科書及參考資料 Textbooks and Reference
●指定教科書 Required Texts
Achen, Christopher H., and Larry M. Bartels. 2016. Democracy for Realists: Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Lenz, Gabriel S. 2012. Follow the Leader? How Voters Respond to Politicians' Policies and Performance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

John Zaller. 1992. The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. New York: Cambridge University Press.

●參考書資料暨網路資源 Reference Books and Online Resources
1. Campbell, Angus, Philip E. Converse, Warren E. Miller, and Donald E. Stokes. 1960. The American Voter. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
2. Butler, David and Donald Stokes. 1974. Political Change in Britain: the Evolution of Electoral Choice. London: Macmillan.
3. Lazarsfeld,Paul Felix,Bernard Berelson,and Hazel Gaudet.1948.The People's Choice: How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign.Columbia University Press.
4. Russell, Dalton J., Shin, Doh Chull, Chu, Yun-han(eds.) 2008. Party Politics in East Asia. Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner.
三、教學目標 Objectives
The aim of this course is to introduce students with both theoretical and practical knowledge of voting behavior. The course will introduce students to the history of voting studies, voting behavior approaches, and recent theoretical debates relating to the measurement and analysis of electoral behavior. This course examines three main themes: opinion polls, politics and the public, and the electoral behavior. The focus will be on the nature of mass beliefs, political participation, issue and ideological orientations, elections and political parties, the social bases of party support, partisanship and electoral behavior, and attitudes and electoral behavior. This course will examine theoretical explanations of voting behavior based on the evidence from studies of voting in the advanced democracies and in Taiwan. At the end of this course, students should have a good knowledge of how and why do people vote, and an understanding of the nature of public reasoning about politics.
四、課程內容 Course Description
整體敘述 Overall Description
●分週敘述 Weekly Schedule
週次 Wk 日期 Date 課程內容 Content 備註 Note


2/21 Introduction 課程介紹及課堂導讀分配安排



2/28 和平紀念日補假   


3/7 The development of Public Opinion Research

1. Oberschall, Anthony. 2008. “The Historical Roots of Public Opinion Research.” In Donsbach, Wolfgang and Michael W. Traugott (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research, Sage Publication. pp. 83-92.
2. Goot, Murray. 2008. “Mass-Observation and Modern Public Opinion Research.” In Donsbach, Wolfgang and Michael W. Traugott (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research, Sage Publication. pp. 93-103.
3. Zetterberg, Hans L. 2008. “The Start of Modern Public Opinion Research.” In Donsbach, Wolfgang and Michael W. Traugott (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research, Sage Publication. pp. 104-112.
4. Mattes, Robert. 2008. “Public Opinion Research in Emerging Democracies.” In Donsbach, Wolfgang and Michael W. Traugott (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research, Sage Publication. pp. 113-122.
5. Berinsky, Adam J. 2015 New Directions in Public Opinion (New Directions in American Politics) 2nd edition. Routledge. Chapter 1.


3/14 Survey Design (1)
1. Weisberg, Herbert F., Jon A. Krosnick and Bruce D. Bowen. 1996. An Introduction to Survey Research, Polling, and Data Analysis. 3rd edition. Sage Publications, Inc. Chapter 2-5.

Further readings:
1. Donsbach, Wolfgang and Michael W. Traugott (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Public Opinion Research, Sage Publication. chapter 20-21


3/21 Survey Design (2)
1.Brace, Ian. 2008. Questionnaire Design: How to Plan, Structure and Write Survey Material for Effective Market Research. Kogan Page Publishers. Chapter 1, Chapter 3-6

Further readings:
1. Benton, J. Edwin and John L. Daly. 1991. “A Question Order Effect in a Local Government Survey.” Public Opinion Quarterly 55: 640-642.
2. 盛杏湲,2006,「問卷設計:一項對民意調查的挑戰」,《研考雙月刊》,30(4):49-61。


3/28 How to Study Voting Behaviour

Berinsky, Adam J. 2017. “Measuring Public Opinion with Surveys.” Annual Review of Political Science 20: 309-329.

Carmines, Edward G., and Robert Huckfeldt. 1998. “Political Behavior: An Overview.” In A New Handbook of Political Science, Robert E. Goodin and Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds.). Retrieved from www.oxfordscholarship.com.

Davenport, Tiffany C., Alan S. Gerber, and Donald P. Green. 2010. “Field Experiments and the Study of Political Behavior.” In Jan E. Leighley (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 69-88.


4/4 學術交流週放假   


4/11 Public Opinion, Attitudes, and Belief Systems

Converse, Philip E. 1964. “The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics.” In Ideology and Discontent, ed. D. E. Apter. New York: Free Press.
Kinder, Donald R. 2006. “Belief Systems Today.” Critical Review 18 (Winter): 197-216.

Ansolabehere, Stephen, Jonathan Rodden, and James M. Snyder, Jr. 2008. “The Strength of Issues: Using Multiple Measures to Gauge Preference Stability, Ideological Constraint, and Issue Voting.” American Political Science Review 102(2): 215-232.



4/18 Political Knowledge And Sophistication

Barabas, Jason, Jennifer Jerit, William Pollock, and Carlisle Rainey. 2014. “The Question(s) of Political Knowledge.” American Political Science Review 108(4): 840–55.

Bullock, John G., Alan S. Gerber, Seth J. Hill and Gregory A. Huber. 2015. “Partisan Bias in Factual Beliefs about Politics.” Quarterly Journal of Political Science 10(4): 519-578.

Freeder, Sean, Gabriel S. Lenz, and Shad Turney. 2019. "The Importance of Knowing “What Goes with What”: Reinterpreting the Evidence on Policy Attitude Stability." The Journal of Politics 81(1): 274-290.

Wood, Thomas, and Ethan Porter. 2019. "The elusive backfire effect: Mass attitudes’ steadfast factual adherence." Political Behavior 41(1): 135-163.


4/25 Groups and Value Orientations

Brady, Henry E., and Paul M. Sniderman. 1985. Attitude Attribution: A Group Basis for Political Reasoning. American Political Science Review 79(4): 1061–78.

Green, Donald, Bradley Palmquist, and Eric Schickler. 2002. Partisan Hearts and Minds: Political Parties and the Social Identities of Voters. New Haven: Yale University Press. Chapters 1-2.
Iyengar, Shanto, and Sean J. Westwood. 2015. “Fear and Loathing across Party Lines: New Evidence on Group Polarization.” American Journal of Political Science 59(3): 690–707.
Goren, Paul, and Christopher Chapp. 2017. “Moral Power: How Public Opinion on Culture War Issues Shapes Partisan Predispositions and Religious Orientations.” American Political Science Review 111(1): 110–28.


5/2 Elites' Influence on Public Opinion

Broockman, David E., and Daniel M. Butler. 2017. The Causal Effects of Elite Position-Taking on Voter Attitudes: Field Experiments with Elite Communication. American Journal of Political Science 61(1): 208-221.

Lenz, Gabriel S. 2012. Follow the Leader? How Voters Respond to Politicians' Policies and Performance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


5/9 Opinion formation and change

John Zaller. 1992. The Nature and Origins of Mass Opinion. New York: Cambridge University Press.


5/16 Retrospective evaluations and low-information rationality

Achen, Christopher H., and Larry M. Bartels. 2016. Democracy for Realists: Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Optional: Fowler, Anthony, and Andrew B. Hall. 2018. "Do shark attacks influence presidential elections? Reassessing a prominent finding on voter competence." The Journal of Politics 80 (4): 1423-1437.


5/23 Representation and Mass Preferences

Broockman, David E. 2016. Approaches to Studying Policy Representation. Legislative Studies Quarterly 41(1):181-215.

Canes-Wrone, Brandice. 2015. From Mass Preferences to Policy. Annual Review of Political Science 18:147-165.

Shapiro, Robert Y. 2011. Public Opinion and American Democracy. Public Opinion Quarterly 75 (5): 982–1017.

Wlezien, Christopher. 2017. Public Opinion and Policy Representation: On Conceptualization, Measurement, and Interpretation. Policy Studies Journal 45:561-582.

Optional: Bafumi, Joseph, and Michael C Herron. 2010. Leapfrog Representation and Extremism: A Study of American Voters and Their Members in Congress. American Political Science Review 104(3): 519-42.


5/30 Political Access and Influence

Grose, Christian R. 2014. Field Experimental Work on Political Institutions. Annual Review of Political Science 17:355-370.

Kalla, Joshua L., and David E. Broockman. 2015. Campaign Contributions Facilitate Access to Congressional Officials: A Randomized Field Experiment American Journal of Political Science 60(3): 545-558.

Gilens, Martin, and Benjamin I. Page. 2014. Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens. Perspectives on Politics 12(3): 564–81.


6/6 Campaign Effects, Persuasion, and Mobilization

Jacobson, Gary C. 2015. How Do Campaigns Matter? Annual Review of Political Science 18:31-47.

Druckman, James N., and Arthur Lupia. 2016. Preference Change in Competitive Political Environments. Annual Review of Political Science 19:13-31.

Hutchings, Vincent L., and Ashley E. Jardina. 2009. Experiments on Racial Priming in Political Campaigns. Annual Review of Political Science 12:397-402.

Kalla, Joshua L., and David E. Broockman. 2018. The Minimal Persuasive Effects of Campaign Contact in General Elections: Evidence from 49 Field Experiments. American Political Science Review 112(1): 148-166.


6/13 Electoral Arrangement and Voting Behavior   


6/20 Paper Presentation   
五、考評及成績核算方式 Grading
配分項目 Items 次數 Times 配分比率 Percentage 配分標準說明 Grading Description
平時作業 40%導讀書摘,至多三頁為限(請於每週上課前一晚6點前上傳至教學平台)
報告 40%學期報告:分為課堂報告,佔總成績15%;書面報告,佔總成績25%。
課堂討論 20%針對每週擬定主題進行課堂討論
配分比率加總 100%  
六、授課教師課業輔導時間和聯絡方式 Office Hours And Contact Info
●課業輔導時間 Office Hour
●聯絡方式 Contact Info
研究室地點 Office:Q215 EMAIL:polymh@scu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 Tel:6289 其他 Others:
七、教學助理聯絡方式 TA’s Contact Info
教學助理姓名 Name 連絡電話 Tel EMAIL 其他 Others
八、建議先修課程 Suggested Prerequisite Course
九、課程其他要求 Other Requirements

十、學校教材上網、數位學習平台及教師個人網址 University’s Web Portal And Teacher's Website
學校教材上網網址 University’s Teaching Material Portal:
學校數位學習平台 University’s Digital Learning Platform:
教師個人網址 Teacher's Website:
其他 Others:
十一、計畫表公布後異動說明 Changes Made After Posting Syllabus