一、課程基本資料 Course Information |
科目名稱 Course Title: (中文)文學作品翻譯
開課學期 Semester:110學年度第2學期 開課班級 Class:英碩一 |
授課教師 Instructor:張上冠 CHANG, SHANG-KUAN
科目代碼 Course Code:MEN72901 |
單全學期 Semester/Year:單 |
分組組別 Section: |
人數限制 Class Size:15 |
必選修別 Required/Elective:選 |
學分數 Credit(s):3 |
星期節次 Day/Session: 一567 |
前次異動時間 Time Last Edited:111年03月07日21時59分 |
英文學系(碩士班)基本能力指標 Basic Ability Index |
編號 Code |
指標名稱 Basic Ability Index |
本科目對應之指標 Correspondent Index |
達成該項基本能力之考評方式 Methods Of Evaluating This Ability |
1 | 具備中英口筆譯之專業實務能力 Practical competence in professional English-Chinese translation and interpreting. | ● | 》出缺席狀況 》課堂討論與表現 》報告(含個人或小組、口頭或書面、專題、訪問、觀察等形式) 》作業成績 》紙筆測驗 》語言測試(含繳交錄音檔、口試、角色扮演等) 》資料蒐集與分析 》外文閱讀
| 2 | 對於翻譯理論與研究方法有一定程度之了解,並能應用於翻譯之實務工作 Comprehension and application of translation theories and research methods . | ● | 》出缺席狀況 》課堂討論與表現 》報告(含個人或小組、口頭或書面、專題、訪問、觀察等形式) 》作業成績 》紙筆測驗 》語言測試(含繳交錄音檔、口試、角色扮演等) 》資料蒐集與分析 》外文閱讀
| 3 | 能將翻譯專業能力應用於其他學科 Interdisciplinary application of translation/interpreting competence. | ● | 》出缺席狀況 》課堂討論與表現 》報告(含個人或小組、口頭或書面、專題、訪問、觀察等形式) 》作業成績 》紙筆測驗 》語言測試(含繳交錄音檔、口試、角色扮演等) 》資料蒐集與分析 》外文閱讀
| 4 | 具備於公開學術場域呈現研究成果的能力,並以英文完成學位論文 Ability to present research in a public or academic forum and complete an MA thesis in English. | ● | 》出缺席狀況 》課堂討論與表現 》報告(含個人或小組、口頭或書面、專題、訪問、觀察等形式) 》作業成績 》紙筆測驗 》語言測試(含繳交錄音檔、口試、角色扮演等) 》資料蒐集與分析 》外文閱讀
二、指定教科書及參考資料 Textbooks and Reference (請修課同學遵守智慧財產權,不得非法影印) |
●指定教科書 Required Texts To be discussed in class
●參考書資料暨網路資源 Reference Books and Online Resources To be discussed in class |
三、教學目標 Objectives |
本課程教學目標為:(一)提供學術平臺讓學生將翻譯理論應用於實務以及(二)訓練學生成為專業的文學翻譯者。 |
The goal of this course is two-fold:(1) to provide a platform for students to put their knowledge of translation theory into practice and (2) to prepare students who intend to become a professional literary translator. |
四、課程內容 Course Description |
●整體敘述 Overall Description As students are expected to have some background in translation theory before taking this course, they will be required to accomplish the following two tasks: first, to give a translation evaluation of each literary work for discussion in class, and second, to apply specific translation theory so as to produce an alternative translation of their own. Each week students will take turn to lead the class discussion. Although the class will mainly focus on English-Chinese translation, students will have chance to practice Chinese-English translation and if necessary, inter-lingual translation that involves other languages. |
●分週敘述 Weekly Schedule
週次 Wk |
日期 Date |
課程內容 Content |
備註 Note |
1 |
2/21 |
Introduction: Literary translations 李白:〈靜夜思〉 |
exercise #1 |
2 |
2/28 |
no class |
3 |
3/7 |
Literary translation of Nathaniel Hawthorne's Mosses from an Old Manse: content, form, and style 祝吉芳:《英漢翻譯––方法與試筆》:〈語篇的翻譯技巧〉 |
exercise #2 |
4 |
3/14 |
Literary translation of 陶淵明「桃花源記」(I): truth and (re)creation Chang:《翻雲》:〈Re(tro)spect:緬懷、翟理思、「桃花源記」英譯〉 |
5 |
3/21 |
Literary translation of 陶淵明「桃花源記」(II): language and culture Susan Bassnett: "Language and Culture" |
exercise #3 |
6 |
3/28 |
Literary translation and criticism: interlingual & intercultural difference James Liu: "The Critic as Translator" Kathleen Davis: "Differance" |
7 |
4/4 |
no class |
8 |
4/11 |
Midterm examination (in class)
9 |
4/18 |
Literary translation of the Bible Eugene Nida: "Functional Equivalence" Chang:《翻雲》:〈神(的)話與聖經的流行:一個初探〉、〈荒誕:翻譯十誡〉 |
10 |
4/25 |
Cultural translation and translation ethics 張今:《文學翻譯原理》:〈文學翻譯中文化特色的翻譯〉 Chang:《翻雲》:〈以利米勒:以米樂為例論文化翻譯與翻譯倫理〉 |
11 |
5/2 |
Renowned translators: theory and practice Lin Yutang (1) 張經浩 & 陳可培:《名家 名論 名譯》 Chang:《翻雲》:〈匪夷所思:翻譯他者〉 |
exercise #4 |
12 |
5/9 |
Qian Zhongshu (2) 張經浩 &陳可培:《名家 名論 名譯》 Chang:《翻雲》:〈昇華:番異及/即翻譯〉 |
13 |
5/16 |
Xu Yuanzhong (3) 張經浩 & 陳可培:《名家 名論 名譯》 Chang:《翻雲》:〈語言的神話與神話的語言:對EFL的一個哲學反思〉 |
14 |
5/23 |
Yu Guanzhong (4) 張經浩 & 陳可培:《名家 名論 名譯》 Chang:《翻雲》:〈裸眼:韋努第的譯者之隱〉 |
exercise #5 |
15 |
5/30 |
Oral presentation (I) |
16 |
6/6 |
Oral presentation (II) |
17 |
6/13 |
Concluding remarks on literary translation and criticism |
18 |
6/20 |
五、考評及成績核算方式 Grading |
配分項目 Items |
次數 Times |
配分比率 Percentage |
配分標準說明 Grading Description |
出席 | | 10% | 全勤:總分100%。 缺席:乙次扣總分30%,二次扣70%,三次以上扣100%。 | 平時作業 | 5 | 20% | A:4分 B:3分 C:2分 D:1分 F:0分 | 期中考 | 1 | 20% | | 期末報告 | 1 | 40% | A-至A+:36%-40% B-至B+:32%-35% C-至C+:28%-31% D-至D+:24%-27% F:0% | 口頭報告 | 1 | 10% | |
配分比率加總 |
100% |
六、授課教師課業輔導時間和聯絡方式 Office Hours And Contact Info |
●課業輔導時間 Office Hour Thursday 13:10-15:00 and by appointment |
●聯絡方式 Contact Info
研究室地點 Office:Q117 |
EMAIL:sgchang@scu.edu.tw |
聯絡電話 Tel:0987699113 |
其他 Others: |
七、教學助理聯絡方式 TA’s Contact Info
教學助理姓名 Name |
連絡電話 Tel |
其他 Others |
八、建議先修課程 Suggested Prerequisite Course |
Introduction to Translation Theory
九、課程其他要求 Other Requirements |
No |
十、學校教材上網、數位學習平台及教師個人網址 University’s Web Portal And Teacher's Website |
學校教材上網網址 University’s Teaching Material Portal:
東吳大學Moodle數位平台:http://isee.scu.edu.tw |
學校數位學習平台 University’s Digital Learning Platform:
☐東吳大學Tronclass行動數位平台:https://tronclass.scu.edu.tw |
教師個人網址 Teacher's Website: |
其他 Others: |
十一、計畫表公布後異動說明 Changes Made After Posting Syllabus |