一、課程基本資料 Course Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
科目名稱 Course Title: (中文)日文(二)G1組 (英文)JAPANESE (II) |
開課學期 Semester:110學年度第2學期 開課班級 Class:城日文二 |
授課教師 Instructor:童昭惠 TUNG, CHAO-HUEI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
科目代碼 Course Code:BSP24991 | 單全學期 Semester/Year:全 | 分組組別 Section:G1組 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人數限制 Class Size:60 | 必選修別 Required/Elective:必 | 學分數 Credit(s):2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
星期節次 Day/Session: 二12 | 前次異動時間 Time Last Edited:111年01月14日11時24分 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
外文基本能力指標 Basic Ability Index | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
二、指定教科書及參考資料 Textbooks and Reference (請修課同學遵守智慧財產權,不得非法影印) |
●指定教科書 Required Texts ●指定教科書 Required Texts 日本語第二冊(東吳大學編製) ●參考書資料暨網路資源 Reference Books and Online Resources 無(nothing) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
三、教學目標 Objectives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
能靈活運用敎過的句型、閱讀文章 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Teaching with the flexibility to use excessive sentence , and read the article | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
四、課程內容 Course Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
●整體敘述 Overall Description 1.預計從19課本文到26課、視學生上課情況增減(要熟悉動詞音便) 2.每一課皆抽背,隨堂考並計分 3.上課時會要求學生上台造句或即席翻譯 4.課程進度視學生學習情況而定 1.Lesson expected from 18 to 26 courses , depending on the class, the students increased or decreased 2.Each lesson are drawn back or Quizzes and scoring 3. The students will be asked on stage sentences or impromptu translation in class 4. The progress of the course , as the case may be depending on the availability of student learning |
●分週敘述 Weekly Schedule
五、考評及成績核算方式 Grading | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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六、授課教師課業輔導時間和聯絡方式 Office Hours And Contact Info | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
●課業輔導時間 Office Hour 週五下午3:00-4:00 Friday afternoon3:00-4:00 |
●聯絡方式 Contact Info
七、教學助理聯絡方式 TA’s Contact Info | |||||
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八、建議先修課程 Suggested Prerequisite Course | |||||
動詞.形容詞,形容動詞語尾活用變化 | |||||
九、課程其他要求 Other Requirements | |||||
本課程極度重視出席,早上無法起床者勿選! Attaches great importance to attend this course , unable to get up in the morning Convicted election ! | |||||
十、學校教材上網、數位學習平台及教師個人網址 University’s Web Portal And Teacher's Website | |||||
學校教材上網網址 University’s Teaching Material Portal: 東吳大學Moodle數位平台:http://isee.scu.edu.tw |
學校數位學習平台 University’s Digital Learning Platform: ☐東吳大學Moodle數位平台:http://isee.scu.edu.tw ☑東吳大學Tronclass行動數位平台:https://tronclass.scu.edu.tw | |||||
教師個人網址 Teacher's Website: | |||||
其他 Others: | |||||
十一、計畫表公布後異動說明 Changes Made After Posting Syllabus | |||||