
檔案產生時間:2022/3/4 下午 07:52:54
一、課程基本資料 Course Information
科目名稱 Course Title:
開課學期 Semester:110學年度第2學期
開課班級 Class:國際學術
授課教師 Instructor:李聖光 LEESHENG-KUANG
科目代碼 Course Code:BNA08602 單全學期 Semester/Year:單 分組組別 Section:雙溪全英文
人數限制 Class Size:50 必選修別 Required/Elective:選 學分數 Credit(s):2
星期節次 Day/Session: 前次異動時間 Time Last Edited:111年01月27日20時49分
二、指定教科書及參考資料 Textbooks and Reference
●指定教科書 Required Texts
Required Readings: The required textbooks are available in the library
1. Charles O Hucker, China to 1850: A Short History, Stanford University Press, 1978. This brief survey of Chinese history provides a needed historical context for the thematic units. You will not understand them properly unless you read the assignments in this text.
2. Paul S. Ropp, ed., Heritage of China: Contemporary Perspectives on Chinese Civilization, University of California Press, 1990
3. Feng, Ji-cai, trans. by David Wakefield, The Three-Inch Golden Lotus, The University of Hawaii Press, 1994(Tianjin, 1986)
4. In order to insure close correspondence between lectures and required readings, and in view of the fact that no textbook truly suitable to a course like this one has yet been published, I have chosen to compile a Sourcebook consisting for the most part of translations of original Chinese sources, writings by modern scholars, maps, and illustrations.
5. Reading assignments are given in the WEEKLY SCHEDULE AND ASSIGNMENTS. You should begin the assigned reading for each of the units before the first lecture on that unit, and complete the reading before the next unit begins.

●參考書資料暨網路資源 Reference Books and Online Resources
Recommended Readings:
1. Ray Huang, China: A Macro History, M. E. Sharpe, 1988, revised with epilogue: Reflections on Tiananmen, 1990
2. John King Fairbank, China: A New History, Harvard University Press, 1992
3. Patricia Buckley Ebrey, ed., Chinese Civilization and Society: A Sourcebook, The Free Press, 1981
4. Wolfram Eberhard, A History of China, revised edition, The University of California, 1977
5. Franz Michael, China Through the Ages: History of a Civilization, Westview Press, 1986
6. The I Ching or Book of Changes, The Richard Wilhelm Translation rendered into English by Cary F. Baynes, Princeton University Press, renewed 1977, 24th printing, 1990
7. Frederick W. Mote, Intellectual Foundations of China, Alfred A. Knopf, 1971
8. Chiang Yee, Chinese Calligraphy: An Introduction to Its Aesthetic and Technique, Harvard University Press, 1973
9. Jonathan D. Spence, Emperor of China: Self-Portrait of K’ang-His, 1974, Vintage Books edition, 1988
10. Jacques Gernet, Daily Life in China on the Eve of the Mongol Invasion, 1250-1276, translated from the French by H. M. Wright, Stanford University Press, 1962
11. David L. Hall and Roger T. Ames, Thinking Through Confucius, State University of New York Press, 1987
12. Wm. Theodore de Bary, Wing-tsit Chan, Burton Watson, compiled, Sources of Chinese Tradition, vol. 1, Columbia University Press, 1960
13. Cyril Birch, Anthology of Chinese Literature from Early Times to the 14th Century, Grove Press, 1965
14. Cyril Birch, Stories From A Ming Collection: The Art of the Chinese Story-Teller, Grove Weidenfeld, 1958
15. Wing-tsit Chan, translated and compiled, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy, Princeton University Press, 1963
16. Confucius, The Analects(Lun Yu), translated with an introduction by D. C. Lau, Penguin Books, 1979
17. Max Kaltenmark, Lao Tzu and Taoism, translated from the French by Roger Greaves, Stanford University Press,1965
18. Kenneth Ch’en, Buddhism in China: A Historical Survey, Princeton University Press, 1964
19. Jicai Feng, The Three-Inch Golden Lotus, translated from the Chinese by David Wakefield, University of Hawaii Press, 1986
20. Robert Van Gulik, translated with an introduction and notes, Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee(Dee Goong An), An Authentic 18th-Century Chinese Detective Novel, Dover Publications, 1976
21. Jonathan D. Spence, The Chan’s Great Continent: China in Western Minds, NY & London, 1998
22. Jonathan D. Spence, The Death of Woman Wang, Penguin Books, 1978
23. Jonathan D. Spence, Emperor of China
24. Dorothy Ko, Teachers of the Inner Chambers: Women and Culture in Seventeenth Century China, Stanford University Press, 1994
25. Dorothy Ko, Cinderella’s Sisters: A Revisionist History of Foot-binding,高彥頤,苗延威,《纏足:金蓮崇拜盛極而衰的演變》,台北左岸,2007
26. Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior, Vintage Books, 1977
27. A. W. Wingate, A Cavalier in China
28. Louise Levathes, When China Ruled the Seas
29. Daniel S. Levy, Morris Cohen
30. John Stevens, Lust for Enlightenment: Buddhism and Sex, Shambhala Publications, 1990
31. Robert Blake, Jardine Matheson: Traders of the Far East
32. Sun Tzu, The Art of War
33. Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, trans. & with an introduction by Ronald Latham, Penguin Books, 1958
三、教學目標 Objectives
A Brief Description of the Course and Its Aims:
1. This course introduces you to the distinctive elements of traditional Chinese civilization before the twentieth century. For the purposes of this course civilization will be defined as the totality of a culture’s perception of itself and the world it occupies, and the ways in which that self-perception is expressed in society, politics, religion, philosophy, and the arts. The content of the course is arranged in thematic units. Each unit represents a significant aspect of Chinese civilization. While every unit is placed in the context of a specific historical period, the course is not simply a history survey. Rather, we will examine the religious symbols of ancient China and their relationship to power, Chinese theories of nature, the great religions of Taoism and Buddhism, how Chinese values were reflected in the Chinese legal system, and other topics. You will be asked to exercise your imagination, in learning to see the world through the eyes of someone from pre-modern China.
Class Outdoor Activities If Time Permits:Visiting National Palace Museum and the Garden of Supreme Goodness and Virtue, Longshan Buddhist Temple, and Zhinan Taoist Temple, etc..
2. This course is especially geared for exchange students who have no prior or limited knowledge of Chinese history or cultural tradition. 
四、課程內容 Course Description
整體敘述 Overall Description
1. Introduction to the Course
Hucker: pp. 1-24; Ropp: pp. ix-xxi
2. Chinese Language and Writing System
Sourcebook: pp. l, 4-8
3. Geographical Regions and Unity Out of Diversity
Film: “What the Ancients Knew: The Chinese”(先人的智慧:古中國人)(Produced by Edgework Media for Science Channel, Discovery Channel, 2005)
Film: “The Genius That Was China: Rise of the Dragon”
Discussion: The Identity of Chineseness
4. Chinese Calligraphy
Ropp: pp. 263-293; Sourcebook: pp. 9-20
5. The Chinese View of Their Place in the World
Ropp: pp. 1-14; Benjamin I. Schwartz, “The Chinese Perception of World Order, Past and Present”(write 2-page summary and comment)
6. Shamanistic Civilization, Shang and Zhou Dynasty: Art as a Guide to Civilization
Hucker: pp. 25-34; Ropp: pp. 15-36, 47-54
7. The Age of Confucius: Background to Hundred Schools of Thought
Hucker: pp. 34-54; Sourcebook: pp. 26-32; Ropp: 112-128
8. The Centralization Movement: Confucianism vs. Legalism
Si-ma Qian, “Basic Annals of Qin Shi-huang,” from Records of the Grand Historian
9. Man, Woman, and Society in Traditional China: Classical Confucianism
Film: 「Confucius」孔子決戰春秋
10. The First Emperor of China: Behind the Terracotta Army
Film: “The First Emperor of China”
11. Ancient Philosopher’s Views on the Individual and the State: Taoism
Hucker: pp. 55-76; Ropp: pp. 144-153; Sourcebook: pp. 33-52
12. Suffering, Liberation, and Compassion: Buddhism in China
Hucker: pp. 55-76; Ropp: pp. 144-153; Sourcebook: pp. 53-61
13. Buddhism in China: Conflicts and Accommodation
Sourcebook: pp. ; Hucker: pp.
14. The Magistrate’s View of China
The Stories of Judge Dee
Film: The Story of Qiu Ju「秋菊打官司」
15. Chinese Classical Fiction、Novel、and Traditional Drama
Sourcebook: pp. 82-94
Film: China’s Past and China Today: Barbara Walters’ Personal Notebook of China
16. Tang Cosmopolitanism
Hucker: pp. 77-101; Ropp: pp. 154-163; Sourcebook: pp.
Film: “To Taste a Hundred Herbs: Traditional Chinese Medicine”
17. The Great Wall of China
“The Wall Acquires New Meanings”
18. Film: “Silk: The Thread Connecting East and West”
19. Everyday Life in China, the Observations of Marco Polo
Film: Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed「馬可波羅現代東遊記」
20. Sung China: Women, Gender and Society
Jicai Feng, The Three-Inch Golden Lotus; Hucker: pp. 103-122; Ropp: pp. 197-223; Sourcebook: pp.
Recommended Reading: Patricia B. Ebrey, The Inner Quarters: Marriage and the Lives of Chinese Women in the Sung Period, Univ. of California, 1993; Dorothy Ko, Teachers of the Inner Chambers: Women and Culture in Seventeenth-Century China, Stanford University Press, 1994; Dorothy Ko, Cinderella’s Sisters: A Revisionist History of Foot-binding; 高彥頤,苗延威,《纏足:金蓮崇拜盛極而衰的演變》,台北左岸,2007;
Film: “Small Happiness: Women of a Chinese Village(Long Bow)”
分週敘述 Weekly Schedule
五、考評及成績核算方式 Grading
配分項目 Items 次數 Times 配分比率 Percentage 配分標準說明 Grading Description
出席 100%出席 100% Requirements:
1. Students are required to attend all lectures and participate in class discussions. Many of the lectures will accompany by audio-visual materials illustrating the major themes of the lecture, and it will be difficult to acquire the information simply by borrowing somebody’s notes.
2. One short paper and/or a book review are/is required. It is 3 to 5 double-spaced, typewritten pages(i.e., approximately 1500 to 2400 words). Papers must be printed on a word processor. The late paper will not be accepted without serious legitimate reasons. To help you write papers, I have prepared a special student Guide to Writing Papers, distributed later this semester. Be sure to read this Guide very carefully and to follow the suggestions contained within it before writing your papers.
3. Exam: midterm examination will be given as needed. It will consist of essays and several short-answer questions on topics covered to that date.
4. Final examination: The final examination for this course will be given at the regularly scheduled time during final exam week. It will be similar in format to the mid-term.
配分比率加總 100%  
六、授課教師課業輔導時間和聯絡方式 Office Hours And Contact Info
●課業輔導時間 Office Hour
Office: History Department, Second Academic Building, 6th floor, Room #636
Office Hour: By appointment.
email address: flee10647@gmail.com or flee@scu.edu.tw
●聯絡方式 Contact Info
研究室地點 Office:History Department EMAIL:flee10647@gmail.com or flee@scu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 Tel: 其他 Others:
七、教學助理聯絡方式 TA’s Contact Info
教學助理姓名 Name 連絡電話 Tel EMAIL 其他 Others
八、建議先修課程 Suggested Prerequisite Course
九、課程其他要求 Other Requirements
十、學校教材上網、數位學習平台及教師個人網址 University’s Web Portal And Teacher's Website
學校教材上網網址 University’s Teaching Material Portal:
學校數位學習平台 University’s Digital Learning Platform:
教師個人網址 Teacher's Website:
其他 Others:
十一、計畫表公布後異動說明 Changes Made After Posting Syllabus