
檔案產生時間:2022/3/4 下午 07:52:54
一、課程基本資料 Course Information
科目名稱 Course Title:
開課學期 Semester:110學年度第2學期
開課班級 Class:歷史三
授課教師 Instructor:李聖光 LEESHENG-KUANG
科目代碼 Course Code:BHI28201 單全學期 Semester/Year:單 分組組別 Section:
人數限制 Class Size:60 必選修別 Required/Elective:選 學分數 Credit(s):2
星期節次 Day/Session: 一56  前次異動時間 Time Last Edited:111年01月27日20時54分
歷史學系基本能力指標 Basic Ability Index
Basic Ability Index
Correspondent Index
Methods Of Evaluating This Ability
The ability to master the basic knowledge of history.
The ability to use library resources.
The ability to read and analyze data.
The ability to cooperate in groups.
The ability to do oral interviews and fieldwork.
The ability to think critically.
The ability of oral and written communication.
The ability of cultural and creative development.
The ability to write theses.
The ability to research independently.
二、指定教科書及參考資料 Textbooks and Reference
●指定教科書 Required Texts
Required Texts and Readings:指定書目及閱讀
1.沙海昂A. J. H. Charignon註,馮承鈞譯,《馬可波羅行紀》,台灣商務,2000
2.Jonathan Spence, The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci, Penguin Books, 1984;史景遷,《利瑪竇的記憶宮殿》,陳垣、梅義征譯,台北麥田,2007
3.William H. McNeill, Plagues and Peoples,《瘟疫與人》,楊玉齡譯,台北天下遠見,1998
4.Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel:The Fates of Human Societies《槍砲、病菌與鋼鐵:人類社會的命運》,王道還、廖月娟譯,台北時報出版社,1998
5.Jonathan D. Spence, The Question of Hu,1988,史景遷,《胡若望的疑問》,
6.Jonathan D. Spence, The Chan’s Great Continent: China in Western Minds, 1998,《大汗之國:西方眼中的中國》,阮叔梅譯,台灣商務,2000
7.Tim Mackintosh-Smith, ed., The Travels of Ibn Battutah, 2003; 《伊本・巴杜達遊記》,苑默文譯,台灣商務印書館,2015
●參考書資料暨網路資源 Reference Books and Online Resources
1.鄭和下西洋航海圖 http://ccts.ascc.net/research.php?lang=zh-tw
Recommended Texts and Readings:參考書目及閱讀
2.Marco Polo, The Travels of Marco Polo, trans. & with an introduction by Ronald Latham, Penguin Books, 1958
3.Susan Whitfield, Life Along the Silk Road;《絲路歲月》,李淑珺譯,台北究竟出版,2003
4.Jacob D’Ancona, The City of Light, David Selbourne英文編譯,楊民等譯,《光明之城:一個猶太人在刺桐的見聞錄》台灣商務2000
5.Jacques Gernet, China and the Christian Impact: A Conflict of Cultures, trans. by Janet Lloyd, Cambridge University Press, 1985;中文譯本,謝耐和,《中國文化與基督教的衝撞》,遼寧人民,1989
6.D. E. Mungello, The Forgotten Christians of Hangzhou, The University of Hawaii, 1994
7.D. E. Mungello, Curious Land:Jesuit Accommodation and the Origins of Sinology, University of Hawaii Press, 1985, 1989
8.Jonathan Spence, To Change China, Western Advisers in China, 1620-1960, Penguin Books, 1969;中文譯本,史景遷,《改變中國》,曹德駿等譯,北京三聯,1990
9.A. W. Wingate, A Cavalier in China, 中文譯本,《一個騎士在中國》,麥田出版社,1996
10.李露曄(Louise Levathes, When China Ruled the Seas),《當中國稱霸海上》,邱仲麟譯,遠流出版公司,2000
12.丹尼爾.賴維(Daniel S. Levy),《雙槍馬坤》(Morris Cohen),杜墨譯,大塊文化,2001
13.羅伯.布雷克(Robert Blake),《怡和洋行》(Jardine Matheson: Traders of the Far East),張青譯,時報文化,2001
14.魏而思(John E. Wills)著,《1688:那一年東西方交融》(1688:A Global History),宋偉航譯,大塊文化公司,2001
15.Bernard Lewis, What Went Wrong? 《哪裡出了錯?》,湯淑君譯,台北商周,2003
16.R. David Arkush & Leo O. Lee, trans. and eds., Land Without Ghosts: Chinese Impressions of America From the Mid-Nineteenth Century to the Present, University of California Press, 1989
17.Maxine Hong Kingston, The Woman Warrior, Vintage Books, 1977,《女戰士》
18.David Henry Hwang, M. Butterfly, A Plum Book, 1989,中文譯本,黃哲倫,
19.白尚德(Chantal Zheng)著,鄭順德譯,《十九世紀歐洲人在台灣》,南天書局,1999
21.Edward Said, Orientalism, Vintage Books, 1978, 1994,薩依德,《東方主義》,台北立緒文化,1999
22.Edward Said, Out of Place: A Memoir, 《鄉關何處》,彭淮棟譯,台北立緒文化,2000
23.Edward Said,薩依德,《遮蔽的伊斯蘭》,閻紀宇譯,台北立緒文化,2002
24.Donald F. Lach, Asia in the Making of Europe, vol. 1, The Century of Discovery, Book 1 & 2, The University of Chicago Press, 1965, 1994 paper edition
25.G. F. Hudson, Europe and China, 《歐洲與中國----從古代到1800年的雙方關係概述》,1931年倫敦初版,1961年波士頓再版,李申等人譯,台灣古籍出版,2003
26.林育德,《記憶版圖》(Historical Images and Stories),台北臉譜出版,2002
30.Kenneth Pomeranz & Steven Topik, The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present, M. E. Sharpe, 2006, 黃中憲譯,《貿易打造的世界—社會、文化、世界經濟,從1400年到現在》,台北如果出版社,2007
31.Tom Standage, The History of the World in Six Glasses, NY: Walker & Co. 2005,吳平等譯,《歷史六瓶裝:啤酒、葡萄酒、烈酒、咖啡、茶與可口可樂的文明史》,台北聯經,2006
32.Larry Zuckerman,The Potato: How the Humble Spud Rescued the Western World,李以卿譯,《馬鈴薯》,藍鯨出版公司,2000
33.Sophie D. Coe & Michael D. Coe, The True History of Chocolate, 《巧克力》,蔡珮瑜譯,台北藍鯨出版,2001
三、教學目標 Objectives
Course Goal:課程目標
This course is designed to provide students with basic knowledge of the development of historical contacts and cultural interactions between China and the West from 1200 to the present. Students will explore the problems which are characteristic of China‘s relations with the West; Chinese perception of world order and European thinking about China; Cultural giants: Marco Polo--initial encounter and early images, Matteo Ricci--as a case study of an effort at guided culture change in China in the 16th century; Material Culture and the Plagues; Asia in the Making of Europe; Jesuits and Christian missions and their impact in China and Chinese reactions to Christianity; The standpoint from which the Western advisers approached China from 17th to 20th centuries when their goal was to change China; China’s response to the challenge of the West in the 19th and new evaluation of the West in the May Fourth Movement of 1919; Chinese impressions of America, the attitude of American public toward China in the 19th and 20th centuries with an attempt to see how “values” affect cross-cultural perception, judgment and understanding in the historical context.
四、課程內容 Course Description
整體敘述 Overall Description
Weekly Schedule:授課大綱
1. Introduction 課程導論

2. Traditional Chinese World Order 中國人的世界觀或天下觀
閱讀:Benjamin I. Schwartz, “The Chinese Perception of World Order, Past and Present” [中國人的世界觀:過去與現在],李聖光譯;邢義田,[天下一家--中國人的天下觀]

3. Tang Cosmopolitanism: East and the West Before the 13th Century
影片:《絲路巡禮》,「敦煌旅情」,「兩岸故宮」以及絲路幻燈片,《沙漠木乃伊之謎》,《塔克拉瑪干失落古城:丹丹烏里克Dan Dan Oilik》,《波斯失落古城:珀瑟波利斯Persepolis》,觀賞後課堂上討論並作隨堂測驗

4. The First Direct Contact Between China and Europe During the Mongol Period
影片:“Silk: The Thread Connecting East and West”,《絲:東西一線牽》

5. Contemporaries of Marco Polo
John of Pian de Carpini [1245-1247]
William of Rubruck [1253-1255]

6. Cultural Giant: Marco Polo, Initial Encounter and Early Image 馬可波羅;Everyday Life in China, the Observations of Marco Polo
閱讀:沙海昂A. J. H. Charignon註,馮承鈞譯,《馬可波羅行紀》一、二卷;史景遷,《大汗之國:西方眼中的中國》,第一章「馬可波羅的世界」
影片:Marco Polo: The China Mystery Revealed,《馬可波羅:現代東遊記》

7. Age of Discovery: A New World Order in the 15th and the 16th Century
影片: Africa: A History Denied(被扭曲的非洲歷史);

8. China in the Eyes of Europe in the 16th Century 發現中國的葡萄牙人
影片:『勇者無懼』(美國導演Steven Spielberg)

9. Creating An Image of Europe for China: Aleni [1582-1649] 艾儒略

10. Jesuit Missions in China 耶穌會士在中國

11. The Missions of Matteo Ricci: Accomplishment and Accommodation

12. Levels of Response 社會各階層的反應

13. The Three Pillars of Chinese Catholic Church 天主教三大柱石

14. Buddhist Reaction to Christianity in Late Ming China 明末佛教人士反天主教運動

15. China‘s Response to the Challenge of the West in the 19th Century

16. Changing Concept of the West in the 19th Century 十九世紀中國士大夫對西方觀念的演變

17. Western Advisers in China from 17th to 20th Centuries 十七世紀到二十世紀來華意欲改變中國的西洋顧問

18. Chinese Perceptions of America and American Images of China
幻燈片:「Looking for China: American Images」;「Looking for America: Chinese Images」
閱讀:史景遷,《胡若望的疑問》;黃哲倫,《蝴蝶君》;A. W. Wingate,《一個騎士在中國》;白尚德著,鄭順德譯,《十九世紀歐洲人在台灣》;史景遷,《大汗之國:西方眼中的中國》;David Selbourne英文編譯,楊民等譯,《光明之城:一個猶太人在刺桐的見聞錄》;湯錦台,《前進福爾摩沙:十七世紀大航海年代的台灣》;李露曄,《當中國稱霸海上》;劉善齡,《西洋發明在中國》;羅伯.布雷克,《怡和洋行》;魏而思,《1688:那一年東西方交融》;薩依德,《鄉關何處》;以上任選其一
影片:M. Butterfly 《蝴蝶君》

20. The Ethnic and Cultural Identity of Asian Americans 北美華人的種族認同與文化認同
閱讀:Jonathan Spence, “Western Perceptions of China: Late 16th Century to the Present”,李聖光譯

21. East and the West: A Historical Prospect 歷史展望
分週敘述 Weekly Schedule
五、考評及成績核算方式 Grading
配分項目 Items 次數 Times 配分比率 Percentage 配分標準說明 Grading Description
出席 100%課程要求與考評:Course Requirements and Grading
1. 開學第一次上課請勿無故缺席,若無法提出證明,將自動取消修課資格,不得再加選。定時出席、積極參與課堂討論以及口頭報告列入考評,若缺席二次(含)以上,學期總成績扣減10%;學期中經常無故缺席達三分之一時數者(遲到早退逾一節課者視同缺席,累計點名次數5次及以上均缺席曠課),該學期以不及格論處;遲到、早退兩次,以一次曠課計。
2. 學期進行中,依照進度和課程議題撰寫報告評量,佔60-75%%,形式以口頭、批判性分析書面報告方式(critical analysis) 。
3. 學期末評量,佔25%-35%,方式同學期中,批判性分析(critical analysis)書面報告方式。
4. 書面分析評論作業(附當頁下緣徵引註釋),請準時於MOODLE網路數位平台上傳繳交,並於當周課堂上繳交紙本,數位平台網路繳交均設定截止日期和時間,逾時或紙本遲交者一律扣分,每天扣減10%;不得欠缺任何報告或作業,否則該學期以不及格論處。MOODLE線上平台網路上傳後,請確認繳交成功。
5. 考試或書面分析報告不得有抄襲(包括網路複製)或者作弊行為,請參考學校考試規則。
配分比率加總 100%  
六、授課教師課業輔導時間和聯絡方式 Office Hours And Contact Info
●課業輔導時間 Office Hour
Time and Place:
Office: 第二教研大樓 0636, 歷史學系辦公室,2881-9471 轉 6172
e-mail: flee10647@gmail.com, or flee@scu.edu.tw
Office Hour:晤談時間 事先預約,By Appointment
●聯絡方式 Contact Info
研究室地點 Office: EMAIL:flee10647@gmail.com or flee@scu.edu.tw
聯絡電話 Tel: 其他 Others:
七、教學助理聯絡方式 TA’s Contact Info
教學助理姓名 Name 連絡電話 Tel EMAIL 其他 Others
八、建議先修課程 Suggested Prerequisite Course
九、課程其他要求 Other Requirements
十、學校教材上網、數位學習平台及教師個人網址 University’s Web Portal And Teacher's Website
學校教材上網網址 University’s Teaching Material Portal:
學校數位學習平台 University’s Digital Learning Platform:
教師個人網址 Teacher's Website:
其他 Others:
十一、計畫表公布後異動說明 Changes Made After Posting Syllabus
如果學期中遇到疫情警戒提升,將依學校公告之規定採取遠距線上學習方式進行課程。本課程將採用GOOGLE MEET線上同步教學的授課方式,另外由老師透過MOODLE網路教學平台提供教材上傳+線上互動機制,請同學們隨時進入線上平台查閱有關本課程公布的訊息。如需課業輔導,同學們也可以透過MOODLE數位平台線上傳遞訊息或電子郵件方式與老師聯繫以便解惑。此外,每堂課進行期間,老師也會透過數位平台線上確實掌握並記錄學生線上出席、線上登錄或存取時間之紀錄及參與狀況,以利未來查核。