一、課程基本資料 Course Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
科目名稱 Course Title: (中文)策略行銷分析全英語授課 (英文)STRATEGIC MARKETING ANALYSIS |
開課學期 Semester:110學年度第2學期 開課班級 Class:企二A |
授課教師 Instructor:林智偉 LINCHIH-WEI | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
科目代碼 Course Code:BBA79801 | 單全學期 Semester/Year:單 | 分組組別 Section:全英語授課 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
人數限制 Class Size:65 | 必選修別 Required/Elective:選 | 學分數 Credit(s):2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
星期節次 Day/Session: 二34 | 前次異動時間 Time Last Edited:111年01月11日23時40分 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
企業管理學系基本能力指標 Basic Ability Index | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
二、指定教科書及參考資料 Textbooks and Reference (請修課同學遵守智慧財產權,不得非法影印) |
●指定教科書 Required Texts Salvador, F et. al. (2009). Cracking the Code of Mass Customization, Sloan Management Review Reinartz, W. and P. Saffert(2013).Creativity in Advertising: When it works and when it doesn’t, Harvard Business Review Ustuner, T and D. Godes (2006). Better Sales Network, Harvard Business Review Bryce, D. et al. (2011). Competing Against Free, Harvard Business Review Fournie, S. and J. Avery (2011). Putting the Relationship Back into CRM, Sloan Management Review Casadesus-Masaneli, R. and J. Ricart (2011). How to design a Winning Business Model, Harvard Business Review Ryall, M. D. (2013). The New Dynamics of Competition, Harvard Business Review. Fernando F. Suarez and Jacqueline Kirtley (2012). Dethroning an Established Platform, MIT Sloan Management Review Downes, L. and P. Nunes (2013). Big-Bang Disruption, Harvard Business Review ●參考書資料暨網路資源 Reference Books and Online Resources | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
三、教學目標 Objectives | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
本課程的主要目的是概述策略行銷分析架構。此分析架構將協助學生用於各項行銷問題,例如:促銷策略,服務策略,品牌管理,通路協調,互聯網行銷等議題。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The major purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the Strategic Marketing Analysis (SMA) framework. The SMA framework will be used to analyze marketing issues such as promotion strategy, service strategy, brand management, channel coordination, Internet marketing, and cultural marketing. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
四、課程內容 Course Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
●整體敘述 Overall Description Faced with the increasingly complex marketing environment, marketing planning and activities have considerable changes. Therefore, a systematic marketing structure is needed to formulate marketing strategies with long-term competitiveness in the market. This course focuses on the analysis of exchange issues. It analyzes the four major problems faced by buyers and sellers in the exchange relationships, and provides solutions to these problems in order to help sellers achieve marketing purposes successfully. |
●分週敘述 Weekly Schedule
五、考評及成績核算方式 Grading | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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六、授課教師課業輔導時間和聯絡方式 Office Hours And Contact Info | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
●課業輔導時間 Office Hour Wednesday, 14:00-15:00 |
●聯絡方式 Contact Info
七、教學助理聯絡方式 TA’s Contact Info | |||||
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八、建議先修課程 Suggested Prerequisite Course | |||||
Marketing Management | |||||
九、課程其他要求 Other Requirements | |||||
1. Fill out personal information cards in the first class. The cards will later be used to select students for certain tasks in class, for example, answering questions. 2. Roll call each class. 3. Please, no headphones in class, and try to keep use of personal electronic devices to a minimum. | |||||
十、學校教材上網、數位學習平台及教師個人網址 University’s Web Portal And Teacher's Website | |||||
學校教材上網網址 University’s Teaching Material Portal: 東吳大學Moodle數位平台:http://isee.scu.edu.tw |
學校數位學習平台 University’s Digital Learning Platform: ☐東吳大學Moodle數位平台:http://isee.scu.edu.tw ☐東吳大學Tronclass行動數位平台:https://tronclass.scu.edu.tw | |||||
教師個人網址 Teacher's Website: | |||||
其他 Others: | |||||
十一、計畫表公布後異動說明 Changes Made After Posting Syllabus | |||||